“Mama Mia! Here We go Again” Light, sweet and fun!

July 20th, 2018 Posted by Review 0 thoughts on ““Mama Mia! Here We go Again” Light, sweet and fun!”

“Mama Mia! Here We Go Again” follows the story of the original, picking up 10 years later with Sophie (Amanda Siefried) attempting to have a grand opening of the hotel where her mother and she once lived. Donna (Meryl Streep), has passed away, leaving a gaping whole in everyone’s lives and Sophie, in her own love situation with Sky (Dominic Cooper) attempts to carry on with the help of Sam (Pierce Brianna) and all Donna’s cohorts. Simultaneously, the film tells the story of Donna, how she met her three gentlemen, all of whom may be Sophie’s father, and how she came to the Greek Island.

Ol Parker (The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel) creates a much richer story, set design, and overall product that the first “Mama Mia!” It’s stunningly beautiful with the bold color scheme, captivating you visually as you anticipate a familiar ABBA song. While there are a total of 20 ABBA songs, there are some deep unheard cuts along with several familiar ones, timed perfectly that will make you smile or even laugh aloud.

The story, unfortunately, has a rather slow start to it. To say it’s cheesy in the beginning is accurate with a rather lackluster introduction to both Donna (Lily James) and Harry (Hugh Skinner). It’s not until we meet Bill (Josh Dylan) that things get a little more interesting and we get to know Donna and her vibrant personality, her need and her longing to be loved along with a sense of adventure. From this point, you’re hooked as you love the songs and you are truly having fun watching the back story unfold running parallel to the current day plight that Sophie is experiencing.

Casting with the exception of Harry is extraordinary. James captures our hears with her song, her energy, and her charm. She externally represents what we all envision our youth to have been. She embodies the vibrancy and youthful carefree attitude we all long to get back. Additionally, it’s almost doppelgänger perfect for Tanya (Christine Baranski/Jessica Keenan Wynn) and Rosie (Julie Walters/Alexa Davies). The film flawlessly and creatively bounces back and forth between the present and the past, gaining a greater understanding of the almost 40 years that have passed.

The sequel to “Mama Mia!” Is sheer fun and as you watch the actors, you know they are having a blast as well. As we see Skaarsgard and Firth holding one another at the bow of the boat in Titanic form, you can’t help but join them in a very broad smile. This is just sweet, care-free, good fun once you get past the first 30 minutes.

If you were a fan of the first one, you’re going to love this second one. To listen to Pamela Powell on The Mix 94.5 talk about this film, go to SOUNDCLOUD at ” rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>MAMA MIA ON THE MIX



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