“American Street Kid” – Hope within hopelessness

August 28th, 2020 Posted by Review 0 thoughts on ““American Street Kid” – Hope within hopelessness”

Filmmaker, Michael Leoni heads to the streets of LA to shine a light on the epidemic of homeless youth in America. Once inside their world he realizes he can no longer be an observer; every day is a matter of life or death and he’ll do anything to get them off the streets.

Capsule Review:
To most of us, the thought of kids and teens being homeless is unthinkable, but Leoni takes us into the unknown and tells us the story of just a handful of homeless teens. The dangers of living on the street and the hopelessness that pervades their every waking moment is crushing, but it’s the impetus for Leoni to be both filmmaker and savior. In very untraditional documentary style, Leoni becomes the one support system upon which these kids can rely, but it’s not always enough as we watch the stories unfold. It’s an emotional set of stories that enrages you as you realize that you’re oblivious to this heartbreaking and systemic problem. Leoni highlights the inadequacies of agencies and interventions, but also shines a light on how much of a difference just one person can make.

3 stars


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