“Captain Marvel” sure to please fans, sets feminist tone, but still just another super hero film

March 8th, 2019 Posted by Review 0 thoughts on ““Captain Marvel” sure to please fans, sets feminist tone, but still just another super hero film”

The Marvel Universe is getting an overhaul by a woman named Vers, aka Captain Marvel.

The newest installment of the superhero saga, “Captain Marvel” is co-written and co-directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck and begins on the planet Kerr where the young Vers (Brie Larson) is training as a soldier with Yon-Rogg (Jude Law). Her strength is harnessed in her hands, but emotions wreak havoc and the Supreme Intelligence (Annette Bening), is unsure whether she is ready for her first mission, rescuing a spy who has infiltrated the planet Torfu, where the Skroll have decimated the population.

As the mission goes awry, Vers finds herself on Planet C-53 aka Earth, circa 1995. With memories flashing back, Vers seeks to answer questions and to complete a mission to which she didn’t realize she was charged.

The story itself is an intriguing one, even if the beginning of the film seemed like every other superhero film to date.

After slogging on for 20 minutes and finally landing on what we now deem a technologically antiquated Earth, the fun begins. TO READ THE REVIEW IN ITS ENTIRETY, GO TO THE DAILY JOURNAL


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