CINEMAJAW’s Best Female Actresses of 2018
January 7th, 2019 Posted by pamela News 0 thoughts on “CINEMAJAW’s Best Female Actresses of 2018”Reviewed this episode: On the Basis of SexTrivia: Best Actress Movie Trivia
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Our wrap up of 2018 continues with our Top 5 Female Performances of the year. 2018 was one HELL of a year in film. Perhaps the very best in CinemaJaw history. This week we take a look at the women who gave film performances that helped make this past year what it is.
Joining us is a woman who loves to examine film from the feminine perspective. Pamela Powel has been on the film beat for nearly a decade. With shows on radio, television and the internet, she is a true voice in film criticism. We are proud to call her a friend of the show!
To listen to the podcast, go to http://cinemajaw.com/wordpress/cinemajaw-404-pamela-powell-best-female-performances-of-2018/